• 1) Go to the website CLICK "GMMG HOLDINGS" GMMG EARN MONEY DO GOOD! Begin with $ 10, go to the level, which you will receive at $ 10240 for a partner!

    Charity Relay Race
    The Charity Relay Race principle is the basis of the international charity movement Whole World.
    This effective solution allows each fundraiser to send millions of roubles (thousands of dollars) for charitable purposes within only a few weeks by making simple manipulations, and get steadily growing income generated by the simultaneously formed partnership structure!

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    1 You're taking up the Charity Relay baton

    To do this, it is necessary to sign up at the community's website through an invitation from any participant.

    Sign up right now » http://ro.wholeworld.ws/

    Currently, more than 700 000 people from around the world participate in our project. All of them have structured associations that were formed during the last passing of the charity relay baton from person to person.

    By taking up the charity relay baton you will occupy a place in the partnership structure of the participant who invited you and make a charitable donation in the amount of $100 in year
    In which case, one portion of the funds is sent to the International Charitable Foundation for Children, "Whole World", and the other part to the up-line partners throughout structure, and thus, the financial motivation for each fundraiser.
    And that is:
    $50 dollars - you send to the "Whole World" fund in the form of a charitable donation
    $10 dollars - to the fundraiser, by reference to which you are registered
    $5 dollars each is received by those participants whose place in the partnership structure is on the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth levels above you
    $15 dollars arrives to the account of the fundraiser that is located on the seventh level of the partnership structure.
    2 You're passing the Charity Relay baton to others
    By passing the charity relay baton to your friends, you will start a chain reaction of acts of kindness! Very soon your friends will obtain followers, and those, in turn, their own followers, and so on...
    Every day, more and more people take up the charity relay baton. The number of participants of your team is growing rapidly all over the world, and this process cannot be stopped!

    3 Partnership Fundraising brings results!
    Every time any one of your partners in the team makes a charitable donation, you will also get financial Benefit!
    The number of people to whom you can pass the baton is UNLIMITED! 
    The more participants that are registered through your recommendation, the more actively your partnership structure will grow. Over and over again, you will receive money transfers, and together with that, all the more money that will go to charity!

    - you have invited just 3 people into a project.
    As it happens, the charity succeeded in receiving $150 dollars, 
    and you yourself received financial support in the amount of $ 30 dollars.
    Each of your invitees also invites 3 people 
    - You will receive 45 dollars, and the Charitable Foundation, "Whole World" receives 450 dollars.
    Further, 27 new participants will join your team. 
    You’ll receive $135 dollars, and $1350 dollars will be sent to the charity!
    Every day, more and more people take up the Charity Relay baton. 
    The number of participants of your team is growing rapidly all over the world, and this process cannot be stopped!
    It's not difficult to add up that on the 7- level of your partnership, as a result, very soon there will end up being more than 3,000 participants who will send the charity more than $160,000 dollars, and your personal income will be $38,000 dollars!
    This being said, you will note that you invited just 3 people... 
    But in reality, you and your partners can invite as many people as you want!
    It is important to note that the provision of financial assistance, in accordance with the rules of the system, is produced annually by each fundraiser!
    Due to this, with each year, it is possible to send more money to charity, your income, at the same time, is renewed annually, and time and time again, you will receive monetary transfers from people all over the world!
    The results of the participants, the real income of the sponsor
    Method Iron stable growth of structure
    and income redistribution at the expense of
    to teach one person per month to work in the structure
    On this page you can see the real income of the sponsor Whole World.
    Today is the best moment to get great profits in this project. Do not miss this opportunity. See the screenshots of the income of some of the project participants, and beginners and advanced. Read reviews of people who have joined the project and happy to talk about their financial achievements.
    • Income at Whole World are accounts of participants in the system:
    The story of beginners
    Stage of development beginners №-1
    Stage of development beginners №-2
    Stage of development beginners №-3
    Stage of development beginners №-4
    History experienced, advanced system members
    Stage of development professionals №-1
    Stage of development professionals №-2
    Stage of development professionals №-3
    Stage of development professionals №-4
    Today, we’re inviting you
    to make your contribution to the development of the international charitable movement, "Whole World."
    How to get started?
    It is very easy to become a participant of the international charity, movement Whole World, support active fundraising for charity needs and get fairly paid:
    1)  Register yourself in WholeWorld
    The registration is very simple 
    and takes no more than a minute.
    Specify your Name and Surname, 
    enter your valid e-mail address 
    and come up with a safe password.
    Your account will be created instantly!
    2) Activate your account
    To activate your account, you need to pay $5 
    for the account servicing.
    Right after the payment has been received, 
    your account will be activated automatically.
    Video Tutorial
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    Text Tutorial
    After the signing up is complete, the System will prompt you to activate your account.
    In order to activate the Personal Office, you need to pay the annual account maintenance fee in the amount of $5,00
    Choose a convenient payment option among the presented methods and make payment by following the instructions of the System.
    The list of payment methods offered to you at the activation page will be automatically filtered by regions, it will show the most convenient payment methods available in your country. If, nevertheless, there are no suitable methods among the offered ones, then click the following link: "Show all payment methods" and choose one convenient for you.
    Right after the payment has been received, your account will be activated automatically and:
    • there will be created your personal WholeWorld Participant Certificate
    • you will get a personal invitation link
    • you will be granted an access to all sections of the Personal Office
    After the successful activation, there will open a modal window with the successful activation message and you will receive SMS and E-mail messages to the contacts specified at the registration.
    3) Link the purse
    All transfers within the WholeWorld system 
    are automatically made by means of international 
    payment services.
    You will create your own electronic purse 
    and link it to your account in just a few clicks.
    You will be able to provide financial aid 
    from this purse and receive money transfers 
    from other participants to it.
    Creation and Linking of Purse
    In the Whole World system, international payment services are used to send and receive money transfers.
    Choose a convenient payment service among the offered ones and link your respective purse to your account.
    In case of successful linking, the system will inform you about it,
    and you will proceed to the step of financial aid provision.
    4) Provide some financial aid
    To do so, make a payment in the amount 
    of $100 in year using the offered methods.
    Then the system will automatically perform 
    the financial aid transactions on your behalf 
    and you will be given the status of "BUSINESS"
    From this moment, 
    you are able to receive money transfers!
    Financial Aid Provision
    You can start receiving money transfers only after you have yourself provided financial aid.
    replenish the balance of your account by $100 and the System will automatically make financial aid transfers.
    You can see the transferred amounts and the list of their recipients by clicking the link "Show the list of financial aid recipients"
    How to replenish the balance?
    To replenish the balance by $100, choose a convenient payment method among the methods presented on the page of financial aid payments and make the payment following the instructions of the System.
    Right after the payment is completed, you will be given the status of BUSINESS and will be able to receive financial aid from people from all over the world!
    The list of payment methods offered to you at the page of financial aid payments will be automatically filtered by regions, it will show the most convenient payment methods available in your country.
    If, nevertheless, there are no suitable methods among the offered ones, then click the following link: "Show all payment methods" and choose one convenient for you.
    If you are unable to find a suitable payment method among the offered ones, or if you have difficulties in the process of payment, ask your up-line partners for help with account activation (you will find their contact details below on the account activation page).
    You can also put a question to our Online-advisers (if they are currently available on the website) or send a message to the Support Service. We will in any case solve your problem and help you in the account activation.

    What's next?

    Tell people about WholeWorld
    To pass the charity relay baton, use your personal link located in the 
    "Advertising Materials" section of your Personal Office for making invitations.
    The more actively you invite new participants to the Community, the more money transfers 
    are directed to charity, and the more frequently you receive the financial aid!
    Participate in the Community's life
    Join the official WholeWorld communities in social networks and visit Online-Conferences. Stay informed of all news, learn effective development techniques, communicate with colleagues, leave your comments and participate in discussions!

    Live with Fundraising!

    Improve your professional skills every day! 
    Follow the news of charitable organizations - the Community's partners. 
    Provide active information support in raising funds for ill children and participate 
    in charity events personally, if you have such possibility!

  • 1) Go to the website CLICK "GMMG HOLDINGS" GMMG EARN MONEY DO GOOD! Begin with $ 10, go to the level, which you will receive at $ 10240 for a partner!

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